Photo and Art Prompts to Inspire Creativity in all Forms
For artists, bloggers, poets, writers and students

Image Prompt: Happy Hour

Art Title: Happy Hour © Aaron Jasinski
Visit his blog to see additional artwork.
And, his website: Aaron Jasinski
The artist lives in Bremerton, Washington, and specializes in oil
and acrylic contemporary painting in the pop-surrealism style.

Artwork used with permission from Aaron Jasinski.


Unknown said...

If we can get through this, we can go home- and that truly is Happy Hour.

Lisa xx

Stephen Dell'Aria said...

A bar in Arizona on Super Bowl day.

Meandering Michael said...

The sweet smell of sweat from a working day done
Permeates and typifies this old barroom
We all like the smell of this, a day hard won
But then you went and ruined it with your cheap perfume

We all like a splash of drink to wash our cares away
With bitter ales or whiskey aromatic
But you did more than splash some perfume on to-day
We think you went and had yourself a show'r in it.

Over the past few days, my nose has been assaulted by a some members of the perfume commando squad. If you insist on wearing scents, please take a break from it every couple of days to give your nose a chance to get used to lithe smell of fresh air. The rest of us will be grateful.

GlorV1 said...

It looks like a few of these people were not in the mood to have their photo taken. The girl seems to be saying, "you get your butt over here and carry these glasses." The guy sitting at the tables with the glass in hand looks like he's ready to get up and slug someone, the guy next to him doesn't give a hoot one way or the other. The guy with spike hair is too tired to care about anything and the guy behind the counter can't figure out why the heck someone is snapping a picture.

Or maybe I'm just imagining too much of really nothing at all. Have a great day.

WHY? said...

I don't know why but this painting brings to mind this quote and I can't remember who wrote it:

"Most people lead lives of quiet desperation."

This is often the way I feel during the holidays, especially New Year's eve. The atmosphere is all about fun and celebrating, but on the inside I feel depressed and all alone!

Renee said...

Okay Nancy, funny.

You know you are smarter, never mind think it.

If we join together at happy hour, before it is over we will both think we are a couple of geniouses.


Love Renee


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