Photo and Art Prompts to Inspire Creativity in all Forms
For artists, bloggers, poets, writers and students

Moon Festival

Illustration Title: Moon Festival © Alina Chau -
Ice-Cream Monster Toon Cafe

Visit her blog site to see additional artwork.
The artist lives in Los Angeles, California, and specializes in animation
and illustration.

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Image Prompt
Study the image, and write what is in your heart.

Writing Prompt
What does the word "family" mean to you? What emotion(s) does this word evoke in you? Write about it.

Word Prompt

Artwork used with permission from Alina Chau.


Every Photo Tells A Story said...

**If you prefer a "true" image prompt, then study the daily image without scrolling down and reading the written prompts :)

Anonymous said...

To be completely honest, I feel very depressed when I think about family. It brings back memories of some real hard times during my childhood. My father left us when I was 12, and my mom was never around. I have my brother for the good memories. Thank god for him. But it's especially hard during the holidays. I promise myself to be positive, and I am, mostly. But when it comes to family, it's hard to turn the sad feelings around.

WHY? said...


Like Sonya's family, our gathering was held in a special place. But ours was a humble celebration. No linen napkins, or silver goblets. Ours, like every year, took place around an old kitchen table given to us by our neighbors when we first moved in. We ate only stale bread and potato soup that momma made from leftovers. Our gathering was special because we knew. We knew that our bond was strong and pure. And, that was what we celebrated.

Sarah Siwicki said...

Candles cast shadows
on expectant faces
as they float out
to a raging sea.

Each carry wishes;
whispered pleas from
expectant hearts
released like doves.

Young minds
observe the future
in past traditions,
waiting expectantly.
Family to me is whoever would lay their own life down for you and love you unconditionally...these people whether friends or family make up my family.


Every Photo Tells A Story said...

Whether it be truth or fiction, thank you for sharing your stories :)


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