Photo and Art Prompts to Inspire Creativity in all Forms
For artists, bloggers, poets, writers and students

Photo Prompt: Solitary Confinement Room, Auschwitz

Photo Title: Solitary Confinement Room, Auschwitz
© Gloria Baker Feinstein
Visit her website to see additional photos.
And, her blog: Gloria Baker Feinstein
The photographer lives in Kansas City, Missouri, and specializes
in fine art photography. Read photographer's statement regarding
her series, Among the Ashes, HERE.

Photo used with permission from Gloria Baker Feinstein.


Linda S. Socha said...

Heartbreakingly poingnent

James Parker said...


A vile and bitter darkness
Dwells within these walls.
A vestige of past evils
That shocks us and appalls.

Auschwitz now stands silent,
Its cells like empty wombs.
The ghost of horror and despair
And shame it now entombs

Cries of utter hopelessness,
Born of mortal fears
Arose to a crescendo,
But fell on deafened ears

A blinded world stood idly by,
Midst the suffering and pain
A haunting question taunts us now,
Is it happening again?

Anonymous said...

(poem by Therese L. Broderick of Albany, NY, USA)


three times
the priest
an Auschwitz
three iron bars

Anonymous said...

A ray of hope
is all i need
in these testing times

A ray of hope
is all i need
to recall the forgotten rhymes

No one is a jew
No one a christian

All of us belong to the
God's same bastion

Why so much hatred
so much fight
why don't we go for love
and do something
that is right

What has happened
to our morality
Why don't we live with
peace and cordiality

Why do you put me into chambers
and call them concentration camps

Why don't you look for the ray of hope
and ignite the long lost love lamps

Go for the color white and not the color red
coz all it can offer is a crying mother and a child so sad..

Meandering Michael said...

You've been out there?
You've seen out there?
You've smelled the waste? The fear?
Racks of bones are made to toil,
Digging roots from frozen soil.
Sleepless nights in louse-filled bunks.
Scraps of food in cold grey lumps.
Endless coughing through the night.
Every sound is cause for fright.
They think that it's a punishment in here...

Gloria Baker Feinstein said...

Thank you for allowing me to be part of this wonderful blog. These poems are exquisite. I am honored that each of you took the time to consider my photograph and to write what you did. I am very moved.

Gloria Baker Feinstein

Every Photo Tells A Story said...

It was my pleasure, Gloria, to feature your evocative, haunting and beautiful photograph. Thank you for allowing me to post it and share it with the rest of the bloggers who visit this site.


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