Photo and Art Prompts to Inspire Creativity in all Forms
For artists, bloggers, poets, writers and students

Photo Prompt: Play Like There's No Tomorrow

Photo © Oliver Weber
Visit his website to see additional photos. And, his blog HERE.
The photographer lives in La Gomera, Spain, and he specializes in
reportage, portrait and what has come to be recognized
as street photography.

Photo used with permission from Oliver Weber.


WHY? said...

Yes, life is too short to take yourself so seriously. Have fun, love hard and play hard!

James Parker said...


Step right up, I've got this deal,
I'll sell ya one "Tomorrow"
Could be good, could be bad,
Maybe happiness, maybe sorrow.

But I'm really full of bull,
I should tell the truth, I reckon,
You can't buy time at all,
Not a minute., Not a second.

We're never guaranteed,
Our next heartbeat, our next breath,
But that's the true dividing line,
Between this life and death.

We can choose to live our life in dread,
Questioning Fate, always second-guessing,
Or treasure each new day,
And consider it a blessing.

We should strive to just be happy,
Make a point to laugh and play,
And set aside a special time,
To bend our knees and pray.

Pat Jenkins said...

the joys of unbridled playing!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Meandering Michael said...

Playground Logic
Teacher: Play! Play like there's no tomorrow!
Student: What do you mean?
Teacher: What do you mean, what do I mean?
Student: You tell us to play like there's no tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes, so there is no tomorrow. How does playing "like there's not tomorrow" differ from how we play right now when there is no tomorrow? Why don't you just tell us to go play?
Teacher: Go play.


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