Photo and Art Prompts to Inspire Creativity in all Forms
For artists, bloggers, poets, writers and students

Image Prompt: Grilled Sardines/Sardinhas Assadas

Art Title: Grilled Sardines/Sardinhas Assadas © Paulo J. Mendes
Visit his blog to see additional artwork.
The artist lives in Matosinhos, Portugal, and specializes in watercolors
inspired by his country's landscapes.

Artwork used with permission from Paulo J. Mendes.


Anonymous said...


An old country, lying long and tight
against the hull of Spain
like a sardine in a peasant's hand,
an old peasant living in an old hut
who still goes fishing every morning,
lays out his catch on his rooftop to dry,
cooks it on a stick over fire.
An old fire. An older sun. The oldest sea
in the world. When you visit here, fish
is a gift. As you swallow your portion,
salted cells in your mouth sing
Portugal, Portugal, Portugal.

Donna said...

Oh, what a lovely painting! This scene would be my ideal home. High up in the mountains, close to the sky. Eating fresh grilled sardines and being surrounded by gentle creatures. Just perfect!

Anonymous said...

wht an enchanting little painting:)



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