Visit his blog to see additional artwork.
And, his portraits HERE. And, still lifes HERE.
The artist lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and specializes
The artist lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and specializes
in photorealist oil painting.
Happy Birthday, Renee!!
Artwork used with permission from Pierre Raby.
Mercy Me, how time does fly!
Another year has passed me by.
I never thought I'd get to forty
So I'm having me a little party
Just one change I'll have to make
Next year I'll need a bigger cake
The plates are gather but none are set out. Is this a birthday alone? How sad an occasion.
Very nice tribute to Renee, Nancy. Have a great weekend. Happy Birthday, Renee!
Nancy you are lovely.
This is wonderful and I thank you. I loved the music but I especially loved your words with no birds circling at leat today.
Love you.
Renee xoxoxo
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