Visit his blog to see additional artwork.
And, his website: HERE and HERE
The artist lives in Bremerton, Washington, and specializes in oil and
The artist lives in Bremerton, Washington, and specializes in oil and
acrylic contemporary painting in the pop-surrealism style.
Artwork used with permission from Aaron Jasinski.
Artwork used with permission from Aaron Jasinski.
Our house is so grand,
But it's never a home,
Our kids should be indoors,
But they're out on the roam.
Our clothes are high fashion,
We should wear them with pride,
But once they're put on,
We're still naked inside.
Our dog is so spoiled,
"Poop outside" we beg,
But try to correct him.
He'll chew off your leg.
Our car is a beauty,
But drinks up the gas,
And getting it fixed,
Is a pain in the ass.
We can buy almost anything,
We roll in big bucks,
But to tell ya the truth,
For us, life just sucks.
"This is the life, babe," he said with a grin
While drops of martini juice rolled down his chin.
She winked and she smiled and then glanced all about
"I hope that my husband won't ever find out."
I think I've lost my ability to know.
Know Thyself. I find myself where I'm not- much too often. Not supposed to be. Come here often. I've been over this a million times before in my head. Why am I here...
I'd rather be Home.
If only life was that simple. Like that bumper sticker that claims "Whoever dies with the most toys wins." You realize after a certain age that the toys only leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. By then, you've wasted so much of your life working for those useless toys. All that stuff that gets buried with the rest of the trash.
Did anyone else notice that there seems to be a red spot (blood perhaps?) under the dog?
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