Photo and Art Prompts to Inspire Creativity in all Forms
For artists, bloggers, poets, writers and students

Image Prompt: Papa

Artwork © Brooke Olivares
Visit her website to see additional artwork.
And, her blog HERE.
The artist lives in San Diego, California, and specializes in
contemporary realist oil painting.

Artwork used with permission from Brooke Olivares.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I thought that I heard you calling my name.
And as my eyes searched
through the smoke,
I saw you running to me.
I never thought I would
see you again.
I am so blessed.

Rinkly Rimes said...

Papa features here too.

James Parker said...


Before you left, I'd never heard,
Of Iraq or Afghanistan,
But my Momma's worried look,
I soon learned to understnd.

That you are somewhere far off,
Your life in constant danger,
From people who don't know you,
To them..a total stranger.

They don't know your inner kindness,
How warm your hug can be,
Your tender words of wisdom,
Or how much you mean to me.

To see how others kill and maim,
Without a second thought,
Their brothers...all God's children,
It truly breaks my heart.

But now you've been returned to us,
From your duty in Iraq,
I hold you, oh, so close to me,
My Daddy...welcome back!!!!

WHY? said...

So much tenderness in both the father's and son's face. I think this is the kind of love we all hope for for the rest of our lives.

Meandering Michael said...

WIth thanks to Helen Reddy

I am Papa, hear me roar
When my kids don't close the door
And I know they tune me out (I can't pretend)
'Cause they've heard it all before
They tell me "Dad you're such a bore!
I don't wanna see you when I'm with my friends!"

Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid a price
For these two kids I've gained
If I ask them to
They won't do anything!
I am mad (mad)!
I am enrageable (enrageable)!
I am Papa!

Pat Jenkins said...

as a son i needed the "adrenaline" that comes from a father's strong comforting embrace. it is too bad he was too hung up to give them. dad's need to realize the importance of being their "little man's" emotional guide!


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